Like balancing an egg on two forks, employees and employers are looking for more flexibility in 2024.
A better work-life balance and increased flexibility at work are just some of the ways the workplace is changing. However, in 2024 these could be some of the most influential factors for both employers and candidates. They might even overtake salaries as priorities. 
Attracting new talent and retaining experienced employees are high on the agenda as everyone struggles with skills shortages. At the same time employees want more learning opportunities, a sense of belonging and greater flexibility in their working lives. 

The changing employment landscape 

In 2024 new technology will continue to challenge traditional employment expectations. Artificial intelligence (AI) raised questions about automated alternatives to real people in the workplace in 2023. Now governments around the world are preparing to regulate its use while businesses accelerate their AI strategies. 
AI will certainly lead to disruption but might also improve job satisfaction by taking over repetitive tasks. This could help improve productivity and free up time to train employees for more added-value roles. This is likely to increase demand for new digital specialists across the board. 

Redefining the workplace 

Employers are increasingly looking for employees who can deliver agility and sustainability. Many employees who can meet these needs will expect the flexibility of hybrid working and more personal development. 
Employers must challenge assumptions that remote working adversely affects productivity and innovation. A more diverse talent pool and potential cost savings could be the motivators needed to adopt alternatives in 2024. Meeting the demand for more flexibility at work must recognise it means different things to different people. Employers need recruitment processes that allow tailored solutions to meet individual needs. 
To successfully manage a workplace that isn’t based on location, employers need some key building blocks. Maintaining employee wellbeing can be more complex, so good communication between managers and team members is essential. This will help avoid ambiguity about tasks and expectations. If people frequently work alone, mental health support should become a priority, with regular welfare checks. Employers must also trust employees to meet goals and objectives by working at times to suit them. To do this effectively they will need the right business tools and technology to perform effectively while working remotely. 

Accessing talent 

Many groups and individuals still find it difficult to access employment, education and training. Flexible employers will benefit by finding new recruits in currently untapped talent pools. While the benefits of diversity in the workplace have long been acknowledged, it’s time for a major shift in emphasis and a genuinely new approach. 
Choosing employees on the basis of aptitude rather than experience will open up employment horizons in the coming year. This could help create a more innovative and productive workforce overall. More importantly, it will generate a stronger sense of community at work which could minimise staff turnover. 
Building workplace relationships based on shared values between employees and employers will become an even stronger theme in 2024. This will help businesses respond to the latest trends and expectations. 
Please get in touch to discuss your employment strategy for the coming year. 
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