Attracting top talent
Is it important to discover top talent? Well yes! A McKinsey study found that talented managers create enormous value by constantly refilling their talent pipeline. “A” players can be 50% to 100% more productive than average performers, so continuing to attract top performers will add huge value to your business. Getting enough talent on your side should be your number one goal as a leader.
Each recruit will be motivated differently, so the way to attract top performers will vary. In clerical roles, often fulfilled by parents returning to work, flexible working hours could be important, but less so if you are looking to recruit motivated graduates.
However, although certain people will be motivated by personal needs there are a number of key attributes that a company should display to attract top performers.
Before we list the attributes of an attractive company please remember that top employers recognise that talent and education comes in many different forms. If your job requires raw intelligence, a University Graduate may excel, but in a job that requires industry knowledge, a candidate with experience of working for your competitor may be the best recruit for your business.
Attracting and retaining top talent
Why should a great person want to work for you?
Do you offer more than your competition?
Is what you offer enough to attract the most talented?
What do the very best employees want?
Mission driven companies
Booz Allen argue that mission driven employees are the least likely to leave, whereas career driven people or employees who were neither driven by career nor a mission were far more likely to leave their organisation. Therefore, attracting and retaining top talent will be easier if you have a clearly defined mission that top talent can identify with.
Motivated employees leave their employer for a number of reasons. The reasons tell us what top performers are looking for to join your company. They are:
By addressing the key reasons employees leave companies you will position your company to attract and retain top performers.
Ensure your basic salaries and overall package are competitive to attract new star performers and retain your own; they will be on the hit list of your competitors.
A poor boss
There is an old adage that employees don’t leave companies they leave managers. To attract top talent you must have top managers who attract new talent and possess the ability to motivate and inspire them once on-board.
The feeling they are undervalued
To keep attracting top talent, you must ensure that your existing talent feels appreciated. Motivated employees will act as your greatest ambassadors in the on-going war for talent.
The feeling of boredom or the lack of challenging work and limited opportunities for growth
To attract star performers you must continually stretch and develop your current talent whilst demonstrating, to up and coming talent, the successes of their hard working colleagues. Running features about star employees, what and how they have achieved their successes, will attract disillusioned star performers in other companies and keep your star employees striving.
Their job not being as described in their interview
Before you commence your search for talent, your management team must have a clear picture of what you want your next star employee to achieve. A role must be the same as what you described in the interview process. If your company develops a reputation for overselling their opportunities your ability to attract top performers will be harmed and your talent will walk out of the door into the arms of your competition.
The feeling that they are continually asked to do and achieve more with fewer resources
Top performers want to develop themselves. If they feel they are being asked to achieve more with less resources you will lose current talent and find it hard to attract new talent. If your company gains the reputation for penny pinching you will become a talent free zone.

Do you want to attract more talented employees?
Established in 2003 Ascendant Recruitment is a leading independent recruitment consultancy based in and covering Milton Keynes. We will introduce you to the best employees in the area.
We recruit for office, sales and marketing, finance, and HR jobs. Whether you are looking for a temporary or permanent solution, we can help you.
If you’d like Ascendant Recruitment to help you find new talent for your business, please contact us on 01908 200270 or email [email protected]