Like your favourite sweets, your perfect job should be chosen with care.
Finding your next perfect job role shouldn’t be left to chance. Even if you have a clear career path in mind, it’s rare to reach your goals in simple, straightforward steps. 
The ideal time to start looking for your next role is when you already have a job that’s interesting and challenging. That might seem strange advice, but you’ll make better choices if you aren’t feeling pressure to move on. Don’t wait until you’re unhappy or frustrated in your current role. 
Based on years of experience in the recruitment sector, here are some of our top tips to help you make the next positive move in your career. 

Set your goals 

Not all career moves are based on salary, responsibility or job title. You are unique and your goals will be too. We are all increasingly aware of the importance of our work-life balance. It’s much easier to achieve if you are doing something you enjoy that is helping you reach your goals. In fact, the trend for ‘quiet hiring’ means you might even find your next perfect role with your existing employer. 
Before you consider the type of job you’ll look for next, think about the environment you like to work in. What motivates you every day and how does your work contribute to your longer-term goals? 
Your next role might help you learn new skills, develop personally, work flexibly, plan financially or retire early. It’s never too soon to think about these things. 

Think about your strengths 

We often underestimate our strengths in the workplace. Things we are good at might feel easy so we don’t realise how much they contribute to the team. What do people say ‘thank you’ for at work and what are the questions they ask most often? If you don’t already have a clear idea of your strengths and areas you can develop further, there are online tools available that could help. Even better, you can ask friends and colleagues for an honest view. 

Research your opportunities 

There are so many career opportunities available you are unlikely to find ones that are perfect for you without some research. The first step is to have a clear idea of what interests and motivates you and the strengths you offer. Then you can start to explore. You can join business networks to meet new people and learn more about different job roles and opportunities. 
Job vacancy pages online are another good starting point, to see what’s available. You can freely read job descriptions and requirements for any roles that interest you. When you find out more you can decide whether you’ll need more experience in other roles before you can apply. Your confidence will grow when you know what you offer and how each job will help you achieve your goals. 

Choose sectors that interest you 

Even if your skills and training are general, you are likely to enjoy your job role more if you work in a sector that interests you. Connect with people on LinkedIn and ask them what their sector is like to work in. Talk to friends and colleagues about where they have worked and the things they liked. Depending on your longer-term goals find out whether your only route to promotion will be to move in a management role. If that doesn’t appeal, you can look for alternatives. If you’re feeling bold, you can approach possible employers and agencies like Ascendant Recruitment who are happy to keep your details on file. 
You’re welcome to browse our vacancies page for inspiration if you’re looking for a specific office-based job role. You might find exactly what you’re looking for. 
If not, just give us a call and we’ll be happy to give you some advice. 
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