Is your business losing talent because you don’t have the right digital tools?
Posted on 27th June 2024
You might think your bright young workforce use the latest technology with ease. However, if you aren’t giving your employees the right digital tools they could soon feel overwhelmed and frustrated. In fact, the situation is so serious, one in five employees might resign because of poor hybrid working practices.
A recent survey found UK businesses are still finding it difficult to manage hybrid working. Around half said they were struggling with employee productivity and resistance to change.
The answer is to give your teams the tools and processes they need to collaborate effectively, wherever they are. However, only around a third of businesses are providing the technology and training needed.
Is your hybrid workplace working?
In many cases, employees say they’re unhappy with hybrid working practices. For example, virtual brainstorming and kick off meetings might seem efficient. However, many feel they fail to provide a clear understanding of the next steps. There’s concern that ownership of team tasks isn’t clear. Worst of all, around one in five say that some objectives aren’t met as a result.
What digital tools do you need?
The days of slide carousels and overhead projectors in team meetings are, thankfully, gone. However visual presentations are still important when you’re sharing detailed information. Despite this, digital visualisation tools and whiteboarding applications still aren’t widely used.
While businesses are spending more on technology than ever it’s important to invest in the right things and to use them effectively. For example, productivity tools are useful, but not if your teams must use multiple applications to complete their tasks. Almost four out of 10 entry level employees use three or four productivity applications and it’s even more for managers and directors. The problem is made worse when training isn’t provided or isn’t effective.
Employee app fatigue
Unstructured introduction of collaboration and productivity tools could overwhelm your employees. This could lead to resistance, frustration and lack of adoption.
So, although hybrid working has been part of our lives for several years now, it seems employees don’t yet have the digital tools and skills they need. Technology can only help if people understand it and can use it effectively.
Fit for the future
Most people know instinctively that poor communication and collaboration make it harder to achieve business goals. This is true when people are all working at the same location. When they work remotely it only becomes more difficult. Here are some things to consider to future proof your hybrid working practices.
Digital efficiency. Document sharing, automatically creating meeting notes using artificial intelligence (AI) tools and task sharing and tracking all improve efficiency. It might take time to give up some old habits, but it’s worth it. Everyone can share the same data, see progress in real time and follow-up when needed.
Visual impact. Pictures are still powerful. Virtual whiteboards and diagram tools can help hybrid teams imagine, plan and prioritise their work.
Team training. Starting everyone on their hybrid journey with shared and consistent training can help with adoption and problem-solving. You can manage expectations and demonstrate how to use digital tools to improve employees’ work-life balance.
Recognition. Run a staff recognition scheme to highlight innovation and best practices. Celebrate both the high-flyers and those who have worked hard to gain new skills.
Ascendant Recruitment is now in its 22nd year. We’ll use all our knowledge and experience to help you attract and keep talented employees.
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